Time is flying by faster than ever, and if you don’t organize it, it will pass you by. While it’s popular to use an electronic calendar to give you reminders about appointments or meetings, nothing can beat the benefits and versatility of a printed calendar. Use your…
December is a month of celebration in many religious and social traditions. As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, we welcome a reminder that the warmth will return, that things will get easier. One tradition that began with early Christians is the…
Image via PexelsMarch 2020 will be a time of transition. Seasonally, anyway. The meteorological beginning of spring actually begins on March 1st. Historically, you may have heard the famous phrase “beware the Ides of March,” which basically just means beware of…
Chances are if you’re reading this right now you’ve come to know that napping, like many other favored activities, has now gotten its own holiday. But unlike National Talk Like a Pirate Day or International Coffee Day, National Nap Day can be celebrated many different…
Image via PexelsIn this day and age of digital reminders and planners, it may seem positively antediluvian to bother with a traditional, analog calendar, but as we will explain over the course of this article, the benefits of a calendar that requires you to use…