National Coming Out Day: When and How We Celebrate It
National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is held on October 11. It was founded as a day of awareness for the […]
What Is Holy Saturday and How Do We Commemorate It?
Holy Saturday is the Saturday immediately before Easter Sunday and immediately after Good Friday. It is a part of Holy […]
Maundy Thursday Meaning, History, and Customs
Maundy Thursday is celebrated on the Thursday of Holy Week in the Christian calendar. For those who observe this day, […]
Palm Sunday History, Symbolism, and Celebrations
In many Episcopal and Catholic denominations, worshipers carry palms in a procession of faith commemorating a special event that took […]
Maha Shivaratri: A Night for Celebrating Shiva
Maha Shivaratri is steeped in myth and legend, and throughout India, it has become known as one of the biggest […]
Rosa Parks Day: Why We Celebrate the Civil Rights Leader
Rosa Parks, an iconic figure, was instrumental in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s. A black woman, she refused […]
Maryland Day: Celebrating State Pride
Maryland has a unique history that stretches from the early 1600s to the present. Maryland Day gives residents the opportunity […]
What Is Shavuot and How Do We Celebrate It?
Shavuot, sometimes called the Feast of Weeks, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates two important events. Religiously, it is the […]
Arbor Day: Raising Environmental Awareness
While almost everyone agrees that protecting the environment is important, very few take concrete action. Arbor Day is a day […]
Employee Appreciation Day: A Manager’s Must-Read
Lack of appreciation is one of the top reasons that employees quit. Recognition and appreciation are two essential items that […]